How to Effectively Get Rid of Rats in Your Garden

Get rid of rats in your garden if you want a good harvest. If you have a garden, you may have experienced the frustration of rodents damaging your plants and stealing your hard-earned produce.

Rodents such as rabbits, squirrels, grass cutters and mice can wreak havoc on your garden, eating your plants and digging up bulbs.

No gardener wants rats in his/her garden. Aside their destructive nature, rodents a carriers of diseases like hantavirus, salmonella and leptospirosis. Dumps, compost and litters attract rodents a lot.

They live in holes in the garden, creaks of farmhouses and will eventually find spaces in old clothe boxes in your house as they multiply if not controlled.

Fortunately, there are several effective ways to keep these pesky critters at bay.

Clean Garden

Maintain a clean Garden

Prime rule to prevent rodents from your garden – keep it clean! As a gardener, you should know that moist compost heaps, trash and even garden wastes like dropped fruits and berries attract rats a lot.

Rotten smells are inviting to them like flies. So, Create a weekly cleaning routine to keep your garden in shape. Use quality trash bins that can’t be damaged by rat teeth, put on a good cleaning gear to protect yourself from scratches from your plants.

You can read our guide on best arm saver garden gloves to put on.

Cats! Enemy to Rats in Garden

This comes next as it is the obvious first choice for any gardener who loves cats. A natural remedy.

It’s a shame, I’m not a fan of cats, so I would go for other options on the list. Hunting rabbits and rats are cats best exercise, with the vast space to run and sport food cats will be a terror to any mouse on the farm.

Build Sturdy fencing

Rats in garden

One of the most effective methods of keeping rodents out of your garden is to install a fence. Although is does little to keep out smaller rodents like mice.

Chicken wire or hardware cloth can be used to create a barrier that rodents can’t climb over or chew through.

The fence should be buried at least 6 inches into the ground to prevent rodents from digging under it. Consider using a fence that is at least 35 feet tall to keep rabbits out, and a fence that is at least 5 feet tall to keep squirrels out.

Create A Border of Herbs

Rats, wild rabbits and mice are deterred by pungent smells of some plants like garlic, thyme basil and so on. Building a secondary garden fence with these plants prevent rats from entering. They see the garden as a boring, poisonous bush to them.

Use Repellent Sprays Against Rats in Garden

Another way to keep rodents away from your garden is to use repellent sprays. These sprays contain natural ingredients that are unpleasant to the smell and taste of rodents, such as vinegar, hot pepper, or garlic.

Simply mix the ingredients in a spray bottle with water, and apply to the plants in your garden. Be sure to reapply the spray after a heavy rain.

Traps are an Option

If you already have a rodent problem in your garden, traps can be an effective solution. Snap traps or live traps can be used to capture the rodents and release them far from your garden.

Be sure to check and dispose of traps regularly, as trapped rodents can attract other pests such as flies and wild cats and dogs for those living in areas where those are found.

rabbits make a good soup, ask any gardener who is a chef. So he sure to use traps that won’t crush the rabbit or squirrel.

Physical Deterrents to Scare Rats on Garden

There are also physical deterrents that you can use to keep rodents away from your garden. For example, you can place a motion-activated sprinkler in your garden, which will startle the rodents and scare them away.

Another option is to place shiny objects in your garden, such as old CDs or aluminum pie pans, which will reflect the light and create a flashing movement that rodents find uncomfortable. Scarecrows are old-fashioned but effective.

Companion Planting

Consider using companion planting to keep rodents away from your garden. Companion planting is a method of growing plants together that have a beneficial effect on each other. For example, planting garlic near your carrots can help deter carrot flies, while planting mint near your tomatoes can keep mice and other rodents away.

Grow Mint on the Midst

Mint produces a smell rats and mice just hate. Planting them in the midst of your garden makes the rodents hate your garden too. Some pots of mint lined up aesthetically on pathways also adds beauty and a theme to your garden.

If you don’t want to plant mint, sprinkle the oil on pathways or dip wool in peppermint oil and place them in required areas bi weekly during dry season and when washed away during rainy times.

Strategic placement of Onions

As stated earlier, putrid smell scare away rats if you cannot afford to grow plants that produce such smells, you have an easier option. Placing Onion or garlic bulbs strategically at points whet the evil guys may come in to strike will go a long way. Breath and off!

Just don’t let the onion rot, replace it in time. The con to this method only come if you have dogs sniffing around. Onions are toxic to plants.

Refer to this article to see list of common houseplants that are poisonous to pets and kids as well! You can do this trick around your garden to scare away other pests.

What Preventive method will you use?

After spending time to set up and groom a garden, you wouldn’t want a disaster from rats in garden destroy everything. Implementing one or more of the listed steps on this guide will help preserve your veggie or fruit garden.

In conclusion, keeping rodents away from your garden is a challenge, but there are many effective methods that you can use to protect your plants and produce. From installing a fence to using companion planting, there is a solution for every garden. Just be careful the plant you grow as some are dangerous and poisonous to pets and kids.

With a little patience and persistence, you can enjoy a thriving and rodent-free garden.

So, over to you. Tell us in our Facebook community which method you will apply and which has worked out fine.

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Edet Ubok-Obong
Edet Ubok-Obong

Edet Ubok-Obong is an experienced Writer with a deep passion for Gardening, Fishing and home improvement. He shares his knowledge of these fields through this website.