39+ Best Hydroponic plants (Vegetables, Greens, Herbs and fruits) to grow Indoors hydroponically

The best hydroponic plants grow fastest, yield better and require low maintenance in your garden be it an outdoor or indoor one.

Growing plants hydroponically is a very easy and sustainable way of planting indoors. Hydroponic gardening entails planting with just water and nutrients without dirtying the space.

Hydroponic planting is very advantageous as it does not require much space. So, you can fulfil your plan of having a garden, growing much with little space and resources.

That being cleared, you need to know what plants do best with planting in water as not all plants can be grown hydroponically.

The good news is, a very wide variety of crops go well with this form of indoor planting. Tubers, roots and cover plants that won’t grow vertically but spread rapidly will not do well In a hydroponic system of gardening.

Well, we are introducing you to more than 39 of the best hydroponic plants that are very useful to easily grow hydroponically even if you don’t have space for an outside yard.

Planting vegetables hydroponically

best hydroponic plants

If you have a hydroponic farm where you plant vegetables, you will agree with me that you always have green to put in your soup or pastries no matter the time of the year.

That’s the good thing about hydroponic gardening. Your best vegetable plants are always available to you all year round if plant them hydroponically.

Best Hydroponic Vegetable plants to grow indoors for eating

  1. Lettuce
  2. Spinach
  3. Kale
  4. Arugula
  5. Basil
  6. Cucumber
  7. Bell Peppers
  8. Tomatoes
  9. Straw berries
  10. Bok Choi
VegetableBotanical NameMode of PlantingBest Hydroponic Planting Method
LettuceLactuca sativaSeeds or SeedlingsNutrient Film Technique (NFT) or Drip Irrigation
SpinachSpinacia oleraceaSeeds or SeedlingsDeep Water Culture (DWC) or Ebb and Flow
KaleBrassica oleracea var. acephalaSeeds or SeedlingsAeroponics or DWC
ArugulaEruca sativaSeeds or SeedlingsNFT or DWC
BasilOcimum basilicumSeeds or CuttingsDWC or Ebb and Flow
CucumberCucumis sativusSeeds or SeedlingsNFT or Ebb and Flow
Bell PepperCapsicum annuumSeeds or SeedlingsDWC or Drip Irrigation
TomatoesSolanum lycopersicumSeeds or SeedlingsDrip Irrigation or Ebb and Flow
StrawberryFragaria × ananassaRunners or SeedlingsVertical or Horizontal NFT
Bok ChoyBrassica rapa subsp. chinensisSeeds or SeedlingsDWC or NFT

Planting Herbs hydroponically

hydroponic herbs

Spices and medicinal herbs that are grown in a hydroponic garden always do better in what they are required of, be it scent or medicinal effect. The coincidence can’t be matched any better.

Knowing the best hydroponic planting method for your herb is important as they are delicate and require paying attention to details.

Best Hydroponic Herbs to plant without soil

  1. Lemongrass
  2. Cilantro
  3. Dill
  4. Mint
  5. Oregano
  6. Parsely
  7. Rosemary
  8. Sage
  9. Thyme
  10. Chives
Herb NameBotanical NameMode of PlantingBest Hydroponic Planting Method
LemongrassCymbopogon citratusCuttings or SeedlingsNutrient Film Technique
CilantroCoriandrum sativumSeeds or SeedlingsNutrient Film Technique
DillAnethum graveolensSeeds or SeedlingsEbb and Flow System
MintMentha spicataCuttings or SeedlingsDeep Water Culture
OreganoOriganum vulgareCuttings or SeedlingsNutrient Film Technique
ParsleyPetroselinum crispumSeeds or SeedlingsEbb and Flow System
RosemaryRosmarinus officinalisCuttings or SeedlingsDeep Water Culture
SageSalvia officinalisCuttings or SeedlingsNutrient Film Technique
ThymeThymus vulgarisCuttings or SeedlingsEbb and Flow System
ChivesAllium schoenoprasumSeeds or SeedlingsDeep Water Culture

Planting Houseplants hydroponically

Houseplants not only give your home an aesthetic effect, but it also makes it warm and comfortable to both visitors and children, pets alike. If growing houseplants indoors the traditional way is so beautiful, what more about growing them in water? Well, I’m not talking about making your house look like a botanical scientist’s lab.

Best Houseplants to grow Hydroponically

  1. Spider plants
  2. Engish Ivy
  3. Peace lily
  4. Philodendron
  5. Pothos
  6. Chinese Evergreen
  7. Lucky Bamboo
  8. Rubber plant
  9. Boston Fern
  10. ZZ plant
Plant NameBotanical NameMode of PlantingBest Hydroponic Planting Method
Spider PlantChlorophytum comosumRooted CuttingsEbb and Flow
English IvyHedera helixSeeds or CuttingsDeep Water Culture
Peace LilySpathiphyllum spp.DivisionDrip System
PhilodendronPhilodendron spp.Stem CuttingsNutrient Film Technique
PothosEpipremnum aureumCuttingsWick System
Chinese EvergreenAglaonema spp.DivisionAeroponics
Lucky BambooDracaena sanderianaCuttingsWater Culture
Rubber PlantFicus elasticaStem CuttingsEbb and Flow
Boston FernNephrolepis exaltataDivisionDeep Water Culture
ZZ PlantZamioculcas zamiifoliaStem CuttingsNutrient Film Technique

Planting Small Greens hydroponically

Small greens are very useful in desserts and salads. If you have a restaurant or even a boarding school, having a hydroponic garden where you grow small green peas will be of huge economical benefit.

Best micro greens

  1. Mustard greens
  2. Pea Shoots
  3. Radish
  4. Wheatgrass
Microgreen NameBotanical NameMode of PlantingBest Hydroponic Planting Method
Mustard GreensBrassica junceaSeedsWick System
Pea ShootsPisum sativumSeedsWater Culture
RadishRaphanus sativusSeedsDrip System
WheatgrassTriticum aestivumSeedsDeep Water Culture

Planting Fruits hydroponically

You may not think this will be a tough one. Fruits trees on water? Well yes. Fruit juice companies will very much appreciate this idea as they will have a sustainable supply of fruits all year round that is very juicy and fresh free from disease and insects.

Best Fruits for Hydroponic Planting in the Garden

  1. Blueberries
  2. Peaches
  3. Grapes
  4. Melons
  5. Pineapples
  6. Apples
  7. Oranges
  8. Kiwis
FruitBotanical NameMode of PlantingBest Hydroponic Method
BlueberriesVaccinium corymbosumSeedlingsDrip Irrigation
PeachesPrunus persicaSeedlingsNFT (Nutrient Film Technique)
GrapesVitis viniferaCuttings or seedlingsEbb and Flow
MelonsCucumis meloSeedlingsDWC (Deep Water Culture)
PineapplesAnanas comosusSuckers or crownsNFT (Nutrient Film Technique)
ApplesMalus domesticaGrafting or cuttingsEbb and Flow
OrangesCitrus sinensisCuttings or seedlingsDWC (Deep Water Culture)
KiwisActinidia deliciosaCuttings or seedlingsNFT (Nutrient Film Technique)

Quick list of benefits of having a hydroponic garden

best hydroponic plants. Strawberries

Hydroponic gardening is a modern and efficient way of growing plants indoors or in a controlled environment without using soil. Here are some quick benefits of having a hydroponic garden:

  1. Water efficiency: Hydroponic gardens use up to 90% less water than traditional soil gardens, as the water is recirculated through the system, reducing waste.
  2. Faster growth: Plants grown hydroponically can grow up to 50% faster than those grown in soil, as they receive optimal nutrient and water levels.
  3. Space-saving: Hydroponic gardens can be set up in smaller spaces, making them ideal for urban living or indoor gardening.
  4. High yield: Hydroponic gardens have higher yields per square foot than traditional soil gardens due to the optimal growing conditions.
  5. No soil-borne diseases: Since there is no soil used in hydroponic gardening, there are no soil-borne diseases to worry about, resulting in healthier plants.
  6. Easy maintenance: Hydroponic gardens require less maintenance than traditional soil gardens, as there is no need for weeding, soil tilling, or dealing with pests.
  7. Environmentally friendly: Hydroponic gardening uses less water, pesticides, and herbicides, making it a more sustainable and eco-friendly way to grow plants.
  8. Year-round gardening: Hydroponic gardening allows for year-round gardening, regardless of weather conditions or seasonal changes.
  9. Fresher produce: With hydroponic gardening, you can have access to fresh, locally grown produce all year round.
  10. Better taste: Hydroponically grown plants have been known to taste better due to the optimal growing conditions, leading to more flavorful produce.

How often should I change my hydroponic water?

In hydroponics, it’s important to change the nutrient solution regularly to maintain plant health and prevent the buildup of harmful salts and bacteria.

The frequency at which you should change your hydroponic water depends on various factors such as the size of your system, the type of plants you are growing, and the quality of your water source.

As a general guideline, it’s recommended to change the hydroponic water every two to three weeks. However, you should also monitor the pH and nutrient levels regularly and adjust as necessary to ensure optimal plant growth.

If you notice any signs of plant stress or discolouration, it may be a sign that you need to change the water more frequently. On the other hand, if your plants are thriving and the water quality remains stable, you may be able to extend the time between water changes.

Difference Between Hydroponics, Aquaculture, and Aquaponics

farming indoor hydroponically

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without using soil. Instead, plants are grown in a nutrient-rich solution that is delivered directly to the roots. 

This method is ideal for indoor gardening or urban farming, as it requires less space and water than traditional soil gardening. 

Hydroponics is also known for producing high-quality, high-yield crops due to the optimal growing conditions.

Aquaculture, on the other hand, is a method of growing fish or other aquatic animals in tanks or ponds. It is used to produce food for human consumption or as a means of restocking depleted natural fish populations. 

Aquaculture requires careful monitoring of water quality and temperature to ensure the health and growth of the fish.

Aquaponics combines the benefits of hydroponics and aquaculture by growing plants and fish together in a closed-loop system. 

The waste produced by the fish is broken down into nutrients for the plants, which in turn purify the water for the fish. This method is ideal for sustainable food production and conserving water resources. 

Aquaponics requires careful balancing of the fish and plant populations, as well as monitoring of water quality and temperature.


hydroponic gardening is a fantastic way to grow plants indoors, in small spaces, or in a controlled environment. With its numerous benefits, including faster growth, higher yields, and less water waste, it’s no wonder that hydroponic gardening is becoming increasingly popular.

When it comes to choosing the best hydroponic plants to grow, it’s important to consider your goals and needs. Whether you’re looking to grow herbs, vegetables, or even microgreens, there are plenty of options to choose from. Some popular hydroponic plants include lettuce, basil, tomatoes, peppers, and strawberries.

It’s also important to choose the right hydroponic system and method for your plants. From the simple Kratky method to more complex systems like deep water culture and nutrient film technique, there are many options available to suit different plant types and growing environments.

Similar to Hydroponic Gardening

Frequently Asked Questions on Best Hydroponic Plants for Your Garden.

What Are The Best Plants For Outdoor Hydroponics?

There are many plants that can thrive in an outdoor hydroponic system, but tomatoes, lettuce, pepper, cucumber and strawberries are the most comfortable.

Best Plants For Hydroponic Beginners To Try?

If you’re new to hydroponic gardening, it’s best to start with plants that are easy to grow and don’t require a lot of maintenance. Lettuce, herbs, strawberries and tomatoes are great choices.

Which Plants Grow Fastest In Hydroponics?

Generally, leafy greens have an increased growth rate in hydroponic gardens but. These are some plants that grow fastest; Spinach, lettuce, cucumbers, Basil and Radish.

What Is The Easiest Thing To Grow Hydroponically?

Lettuce simply is the easiest thing to try out as a beginner.

What Is The Most Profitable Hydroponic Crop?

Fast-growing crops should be the most profitable as they are quicker to get ready for the market. This means leafy greens, radishes and the rest answered under “which plants grow fastest in hydroponics”

Edet Ubok-Obong
Edet Ubok-Obong

Edet Ubok-Obong is an experienced Writer with a deep passion for Gardening, Fishing and home improvement. He shares his knowledge of these fields through this website.