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Plants are a crucial element of any Betta fish aquarium. They add natural beauty to the underwater world with many other benefits.
Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are popular pets for their vibrant colours and flowing fins. To ensure your Betta fish live in a healthy and happy environment, it’s essential to incorporate live plants into their habitat.
Live plants in Betta fish aquariums serve as a natural filtration system, helping to keep the water clean and healthy for your fish. They also provide a fantastic hiding place for Betta fish, allowing them to explore and reduce their stress levels.
However, with so many plant species to choose from, it is confusing to choose which plants are best suited for a Betta fish aquarium.
To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of the 15 best plants for Betta fish aquariums.
Some great plant options for Betta fish tanks include Java Fern, Anubias nana, Amazon Sword, and Marimo Moss Balls. We will talk about it.
Best Live Plants for Betta Fish. Our 15 Top Picks.
1. Anubias (Anubias nana.)
- Full Name: Anubias (Anubias nana.)
- Grooming: Very Easy
- Amounts of Light: Low to High
- Placing: Attach to rock or Driftwood
Anubias nana is a genus of aquatic and semi-aquatic plants native to Africa. They are hardy and thrive in a range of aquarium environments. One of the most striking features of Anubias is their broad, deep green leaves, which are perfect for providing shelter and shade for your Betta fish.
Anubias is also a great addition to a Betta aquarium because of its slow growth rate. Unlike other aquatic plants that quickly take over your aquarium and create a headache for you, Anubias is a slow grower, which means it won’t require frequent trimming or maintenance. This is particularly important for Betta fish, as they prefer a well-structured environment that isn’t too crowded.
Another benefit of Anubias is its ability to absorb nitrates and other toxins from the water. This will keep your Betta fish healthy and happy, as they are very sensitive to changes in their environment.
2. Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus)
- Full Name: Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus)
- Grooming: Very Easy
- Amounts of Light: Low to Medium
- Placing: Attach to rock or Driftwood
Java Fern is undoubtedly one of the best plants for Betta fish aquariums. This popular aquatic plant is easy to care for and offers a variety of benefits for your Betta fish.
Java Fern has long, narrow leaves that grow from a horizontal rhizome. The leaves are typically dark green and have a slightly wrinkled texture. The plant grows up to 13 inches (33 cm) tall and 6 inches (15 cm) wide, making it an excellent choice for aquariums of all sizes.
One of the main advantages of Java Fern is that it tolerates a wide range of water conditions, including low light levels and varying temperatures. This makes it an excellent choice for beginner aquarium hobbyists who may not have the expertise to maintain more demanding plants.
Java Fern also serves as a natural filtration system, helping to keep the water clean and healthy for your Betta fish. It’s also an ideal hiding place for Betta fish, providing a haven for them to explore and reduce their stress levels.
Another great thing about Java Fern is that it’s a slow-growing plant, meaning it won’t overtake your aquarium and require frequent trimming. This makes it an excellent choice for Betta fish aquariums of all sizes.
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3. Marimo Moss Ball (Aegagropila linnaei)
- Full Name: Marimo Moss Ball (Aegagropila linnaei)
- Grooming: Medium
- Amounts of Light: Low
- Placing: Let it float
Marimo Moss Balls are a type of freshwater algae that grow naturally in lakes and rivers in Japan and other parts of the world. They’re soft and velvety to the touch, and their bright green colour adds a pop of colour to any aquarium.
They’re very easy to care for – all you need to do is place them in your aquarium and change the water now and then. Unlike other aquatic plants, they don’t require any special lighting or fertilizers to grow. This makes them a great choice for beginner aquarists or anyone looking for a low-maintenance option.
Marimo Moss Balls are great plants for betta fish because they help keep the water clean. They absorb nitrates and other pollutants from the water, which eliminates much time spent cleaning your aquarium. They flatten over time.
Another benefit of Marimo Moss Balls is that they provide a natural source of entertainment for Betta fish. Betta fish are known to play and interact with objects in their environment, and the fluffy texture of Marimo Moss Balls makes them a perfect toy for your fishy friend.
4. Water Wisteria (Hygrophila difformis)
- Full Name: Water Wisteria (Hygrophila difformis)
- Grooming: Easy
- Light Preference: Low to Medium
- Placing: Keep as a Carpet in the tank
Water Wisteria has delicate, feathery leaves that grow in a lush green colour. It is better for smaller aquariums and changes the shape of its leaves depending on the condition.
But beyond its good looks, Water Wisteria is a fantastic plant for Betta fish for several reasons. Firstly, it’s incredibly easy to care for, making it perfect for beginner fish owners. It doesn’t require any special lighting or fertilizers. They thrive in a wide range of water conditions.
Water Wisteria absorbs harmful toxins such as ammonia and nitrates from the water, helping to keep your fish healthy and happy. And because it grows quickly, it’s also great at controlling algae growth, which is always a plus.
Water Wisteria are great plants for your betta fish aquarium. Not only do Betta Fish enjoy nibbling on the leaves, but they also love to hide among its thick foliage. It’s like having a cosy little retreat for your Betta fish, where they relax and unwind after a long day of swimming around.
5. Dwarf Lily (Nymphaea stellata)
- Full Name: Dwarf Lily (Nymphaea stellata)
- Grooming: Very Easy
- Light Preference: Low to Medium
- Placing: Place in tank foreground
It is native to Southeast Asia and is commonly found in slow-moving rivers, streams, and marshes.
Dwarf Lily is an excellent plant for Betta fish tanks because of its small size and benefits. It has oval-shaped leaves that are green or reddish-brown and grows up to 6 inches in diameter. It produces small, delicate flowers ranging in colours from white to pink to red, adding a beautiful touch to any aquarium.
The dense growth of the plant creates a safe and secure environment for your Betta fish to retreat to and help to reduce stress and anxiety.
Another benefit of Dwarf Lily is that it helps to oxygenate the water. As the plant photosynthesizes, it releases oxygen into the water, which is essential for the health of your Betta fish. Additionally, Dwarf Lily absorbs nutrients and pollutants from the water, which reduces the risk of algae growth and improves overall water clarity.
What also makes them great plants for betta fish is that Dwarf Lily is easy to care for. It requires moderate lighting and a nutrient-rich substrate. Dwarf lily tolerates a wide range of water conditions.
6. Cryptocoryne (Cryptocoryne spp.)
- Full Name: Cryptocoryne wendtii
- Grooming: Medium
- Amounts of Light: Low to High
- Placing: Keep in the lower parts of the aquarium
Cryptocoryne has long, wavy leaves that come in a variety of colours such as green, brown, and even red, this plant is a true gem. It’s like finding buried treasure right in your aquarium.
But beyond its good looks, Cryptocoryne is an excellent plant for Betta fish for several reasons. It is a slow grower, making it perfect for small tanks. It doesn’t require any special lighting or fertilizers, and it thrives in a wide range of water conditions, just like a true pirate who navigates any water.
Cryptocoryne provides ideal hiding spots for your Betta fish. With its long leaves that sway in the water, it provides a perfect spot for your fish to rest and relax. And because it grows in clumps, it creates a cosy little corner for your fish to call their own, just like a pirate’s hidden cove.
Great plants for betta fish aquarium, Cryptocoryne is how it helps to keep your Betta fish healthy. As it grows, it absorbs harmful toxins such as ammonia and nitrates from the water. It’s like having a natural filter in your tank that keeps your fish happy and healthy.
Check also 15+ Best Perennials For Shade. Easy-To-Grow For Shady Gardens.
7. Java Moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri)
- Full Name: Java Moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri)
- Grooming: Very Easy
- Light Preference: Low to Medium
- Placing: Attach to Driftwood or just let it float
Java Moss (scientifically known as Taxiphyllum Barbieri) is a super cool aquatic plant that will make your Betta fish tank look like a funky underwater jungle. With its delicate, green fronds that grow in a tangled mess, it’s like the dreadlocks of the ocean. It’s the perfect plant for any Betta fish who wants to feel like they’re swimming in a tropical paradise.
But beyond its good looks, Java Moss is an excellent plant for Betta fish for several reasons. Firstly, it’s incredibly easy to care for, making it perfect for even the most inexperienced fish owners. It doesn’t require any special lighting or fertilizers. Java Moss also grows in a wide range of water conditions, just like a true ocean explorer.
It is an excellent hiding spot for your Betta fish. With its thick, tangled growth, it creates the perfect nook for your fish to hide and play in, just like a coral reef. It’s like having a natural playground in your tank that your Betta fish will love.
Java Moss absorbs harmful toxins such as ammonia and nitrates from the water, just like a true ocean sponge. It’s like having a natural filter in your tank that keeps your fish happy and healthy.
8. Ludwigia (Ludwigia repens)
- Full Name: Ludwigia (Ludwigia repens)
- Grooming: Easy to medium
- Light Preference: Low to Medium
- Placing: Keep at midground
Ludwigia is a genus of aquatic plants that belong to the family Onagraceae and is scientifically known as Ludwigia sp. It is native to North and South America and is commonly found in slow-moving rivers, streams, and wetlands.
Ludwigia is a great plant for Betta fish tanks because of its colourful appearance and benefits. It has elongated leaves that come in shades of green, red, and orange. The plant grows up to 18 inches in height. It is a fast-growing plant and quickly fills in empty spaces in the aquarium.
It also provides a natural hiding place for the fish.
Ludwigia helps to improve water quality. It absorbs nutrients and pollutants from the water.
In addition to its benefits for Betta fish, Ludwigia is also easy to care for. It requires moderate to high lighting and regular fertilization but tolerates various water conditions. This makes it an ideal plant for intermediate to advanced aquarists who are looking to create a beautiful and natural environment for their Betta fish.
9. Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)
- Full Name: Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus)
- Grooming: Easy
- Light Preference: Low to High
- Placing: Plant in the background or leave it to float in the foreground
Hornwort is a versatile plant that is well-suited for aquariums, especially for Betta fish. Its needle-like leaves grow in whorls around a central stem, creating a dense and bushy appearance. The plant reaches 10 feet in length, but it is usually kept trimmed to maintain a more manageable size in aquariums.
One of the key benefits of Hornwort is that it is an excellent oxygenator. It absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen during photosynthesis, which helps to maintain a healthy and balanced environment in the aquarium. This is useful for Betta fish, which require good water quality to thrive.
Hornwort is also a good hiding spot for Betta fish. The dense foliage provides ample cover for the fish to rest and hide, which helps to reduce stress and aggression. This is okay if you have multiple Betta fish in the same tank, as it can help to prevent fights and ensure that all the fish are healthy and happy.
In addition to its benefits for Betta fish, Hornwort is also easy to care for. It doesn’t require a lot of light or nutrients and thrives in a wide range of water conditions. It is a fast-growing plant like ludwigia, which means that it quickly establishes itself in the aquarium and creates a natural-looking environment for your fish.
10. Brazilian Pennywort (Hydrocotyle leucocephala)
- Full Name: Brazilian Pennywort (Hydrocotyle leucocephala)
- Grooming: Easy
- Light Preference: Low
- Placing: Place mid-ground in your aquarium
Brazilian Pennywort is a popular aquarium plant, especially for Betta fish tanks, because of its versatility and benefits. It has round, light green leaves that grow on long stems, and it grows up to 20 inches in length. It is a fast-growing plant that quickly covers the surface of the water, providing shade and shelter for your Betta fish.
One of the key benefits of Brazilian Pennywort plants for Betta fish is that it helps to maintain a healthy environment. Like Hornwort, it is an excellent oxygenator. It absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen during photosynthesis. This can help to improve water quality and reduce the risk of diseases in your Betta fish.
Brazilian Pennywort is easy to care for. It can tolerate a wide range of water conditions and doesn’t require a lot of light or nutrients. This makes it an ideal plant for beginners or for those who don’t have a lot of time to devote to aquarium maintenance.
In addition to its benefits for Betta fish, Brazilian Pennywort plants also add beauty and naturalness to the aquarium. Its long stems and round leaves create a graceful and calming effect and create a more natural-looking environment for your fish.
11. Amazon Sword (Echinodorus amazonicus)
- Full Name: Amazon Sword (Echinodorus amazonicus)
- Grooming: Easy
- Light Preference: High
- Placing: Fix into the substrate in the fish tank
the Amazon Sword is a plant native to South America and commonly found in the Amazon River basin. It has long, broad leaves that grow up to 20 inches in length.
It provides a natural source of shelter and hiding places for your fishy friend. Betta fish are naturally shy creatures and require a place to hide to feel secure in their environment.
Another benefit of the Amazon Sword is that it helps maintain water quality in your aquarium. It absorbs excess nutrients and pollutants from the water, which reduces the frequency of water changes and keeps your Betta fish healthy. This is necessary for Betta fish, as they are sensitive to changes in water quality.
The Amazon Sword plant adds oxygen to the water and creates a more natural environment for your Betta fish. This promotes healthy growth and behaviour.
Lastly, the Amazon Sword is a low-maintenance plant, making it a great choice for beginner aquarists or anyone looking for a plant that doesn’t require constant attention. It’s easy to care for as it grows in various water conditions.
12. Dwarf Sagittaria (Sagittaria subulata)
- Full Name: Dwarf Sagittaria (Sagittaria subulate)
- Grooming: Easy
- Light Preference: Low to Medium
- Placing: Fish tank midground. Inside Substrate.
Dwarf Sagittaria plants are Betta fish tank lovers because of their hardiness and benefits. It has thin, grass-like leaves that grow in clumps. Reaches six inches in height. It is a fast-growing plant and quickly occupies empty spaces in the aquarium. This creates a more natural-looking environment for your Betta fish.
Dwarf Sagittaria provides a natural substrate for the fish to rest on. Unlike other plants that float on the surface of the water, Dwarf Sagittaria grows in the substrate and can create a natural habitat for your Betta fish to rest and explore.
Dwarf Sagittaria improves water quality. It absorbs nutrients and pollutants from the water, which reduces the risk of algae growth and improves overall water clarity.
In addition to its benefits for Betta fish, Dwarf Sagittaria is also easy to care for. It grows in a wide range of water conditions and doesn’t need much light or nutrients. This makes it an ideal plant for beginners or for those who don’t have a lot of time to devote to aquarium maintenance.
13. Rotala (Rotala rotundifolia)
- Full Name: Rotala (Rotala rotundifolia)
- Grooming: Very Easy
- Light Preference: Low to Medium
- Placing: Attach to rock or Driftwood
Rotala is an excellent plant for Betta fish tanks because of its beautiful appearance and benefits. It has delicate, slender leaves that grow in whorls along the stem. This plant grows up to 18 inches in height. It is a fast-growing plant. Fills in empty spaces in the aquarium, creating a lush and natural-looking environment for your Betta fish.
Rotala plants provide a natural hiding place for Betta fish in the aquarium. The dense growth of the plant creates a safe and secure environment for your Betta fish to retreat to reduce stress and anxiety.
It also improves water quality. It absorbs nutrients and pollutants from the water, which prevents algae growth and improves overall water clarity.
In addition to its benefits for Betta fish, Rotala is also easy to care for. It requires moderate to high lighting and regular fertilization. Also does well in different water conditions. This makes it an ideal plant for intermediate to advanced aquarists who are looking to create a beautiful and natural environment for their Betta fish.
14. Red Root Floater (Phyllanthus fluitans)
- Full Name: Red Root Floater (Phyllanthus fluitans)
- Grooming: Very Easy
- Light Preference: Medium
- Placing: Mid to foreground floating.
Red Root Floater, or Phyllanthus fluitans, is a floating plant popular among Betta fish owners. This plant is native to South America and has become popular due to its aesthetic appeal and its ability to provide a range of benefits to your Betta fish.
Red Root Floater has small, round leaves that range in colour from green to red, with a red root system that hangs below the surface of the water. This plant is relatively easy to care for and can tolerate a wide range of water conditions, making it a great choice for both beginner and experienced aquarium keepers.
It provides excellent coverage and shade for your Betta fish. This can reduce their stress levels and promote a more natural and comfortable environment for your fish.
The plant improves water quality in your Betta tank. Like other aquatic plants, Red Root Floater absorbs harmful chemicals such as nitrates and ammonia, which can help to keep your tank clean and healthy for your Betta. This can reduce the need for frequent water changes and improve the overall health and well-being of your fish.
Red Root Floater is also a great food source for your Betta. Bettas are omnivores, and Red Root Floater provides them with a natural source of vegetable matter that they can easily digest. This can help to improve their overall health and provide them with a balanced diet.
15. Bacopa (Bacopa caroliniana)
- Full Name: Bacopa (Bacopa caroliniana)
- Grooming: Easy
- Light Preference: Medium
- Placing: Background to midground. Grown into Substrates.
Bacopa is native to tropical regions of Asia. It is known for its therapeutic properties, including its ability to enhance cognitive function and reduce anxiety.
For your Betta fish, Bacopa serves as a great plant due to its hardiness and ability to tolerate a wide range of water conditions. It also has a slow growth rate, which means it won’t outgrow the aquarium too quickly and will not require frequent pruning.
Bacopa plants provide a safe and comfortable environment for Betta fish to live in. It creates a natural habitat for the fish, providing hiding places and surfaces for them to rest and explore. It also helps to oxygenate the water and remove toxins, which helps to maintain a healthy and clean environment for the fish.
Another advantage of Bacopa is that it is easy to care for. It requires moderate lighting and doesn’t need any special fertilizers or CO2 injections to thrive. It can be grown in a variety of substrates, including gravel and sand, and can be propagated through stem cuttings.
Reasons to add live plants for your betta fish
Here are some reasons why adding plants to your Betta aquarium is a great idea:
- Improved water quality: Plants play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy aquatic environment by absorbing harmful chemicals such as ammonia and nitrates. They also release oxygen into the water, which is essential for your Betta’s respiration.
- Natural habitat: Bettas are native to densely planted shallow streams and rice paddies in Asia. By providing them with live plants, you’re recreating a more natural environment for them, which reduces their stress levels and promotes better health.
- Hiding spots: Bettas are solitary fish and need their own space. Plants offer great hiding spots for your Betta, giving them the privacy they need to feel secure and comfortable in their tank.
- Exercise: Plants can also encourage your Betta to swim around and explore their surroundings. Bettas are active fish that need plenty of space to move around and stay healthy, and plants provide them with a natural obstacle course to navigate.
- Natural food source: Some plants, such as duckweed and water lettuce, can serve as a natural food source for your Betta. These plants are easy to grow and maintain, and they provide a healthy supplement to your Betta’s diet.
When choosing plants for your Betta aquarium, it’s important to consider their specific needs. Bettas prefer soft, non-abrasive leaves, as well as plants that are not too tall or too dense.
Wrap on Best Live Plants for Betta Fish Aquarium
Adding live plants to your Betta fish tank will greatly enhance their environment and promote their health and well-being. Not only do plants improve water quality and provide natural hiding spots, but they also encourage exercise and serve as a natural food source for your fish.
By recreating a more natural habitat for your Betta, you’re helping them to thrive and live a happy, healthy life.